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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/15/2014
APRIL 15, 2014

Present: James Wettlaufer, Lynn Arnold
Absent: Michael Kennedy
Wettlaufer called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM


MOTION 04152014-1:       To accept the April 1, 2014 minutes as presented.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Wettlaufer.
VOTE: Two in favor, Kennedy absent



Recreation Committee

Field usage includes the Baseball/Softball Jamboree April 25, 2014, Wettlaufer stated the Committee needs to contact the Chief of the Police Department to inform him of the event and he will determine if additional officers should be working that day.     

Additional events are the 5k on May 18, 2014 and the Elementary school Field day on June 6, 2014 with a rain date of June 11, 2014.  They are putting together a field use request form, but will not require the school to fill out for daily use, including gym/recess.  

Erik Iller, Chairman of the Recreation Committee explained some of the work planned for the field that the Rec Committee has approved including, leveling the field with a plate compactor to reduce the puddles and repair the broken benches.  They will let the Baseball Committee use the concession stand at no charge this year, but will determine how much the electricity get used during the season and revisit it next year.  

Arnold reminded them of the Zoning violations on the field including the storage shed that needs to be moved.  The Committee plans on speaking with Jack prior to addressing the violations.   

Code Red

Code Red presented the Town with a contract for two full years and two months (the remainder of this fiscal year).  The remainder of FY14 was estimated to cost $598.42, and the following years was to be $2,850.00.

Wettlaufer stated he did not feel the Town should spend the money for two months, he would prefer to wait until the start of FY15.  This way the contract could be for three full years at $2,850 per year.  Arnold agreed.  Wettlaufer asked Bishop to contact Pete from Code Red to make the changes the contract.

The Board agreed they did not have to make a motion to prepare a contract since a motion had been made at the March 18, 2014 meeting.    

Cox Communications

Cox has submitted a renewal agreement to the town for the cable service.  Wettlaufer stated prior to signing the agreement, a Public Hearing must be held for all to voice their opinions and their concerns about the cable service.  The only thing that can be negotiated and changed is service issues to cable only.  Even though Cox provides the internet service to the town as well, that is not included in the agreement and the negotiations Internet service is not

The Board was in agreement to set a date for the Public Hearing by the next Select Board meeting.    


Winter Worn Roads

Mass Highway has implemented a Winter Worn Roads Fund for pothole repairs for towns and the amount of money is based on a percentage of Chapter 90 Money.  The money Holland is receiving is $23,685.00     and must be spent by September 30, 2014.  Wettlaufer stated the Highway Department already knows what roads they plan on repairing with the money.  

MOTION: 04152014-2: To sign the Mass Highway Winter Worn Roads “Pothole Fund” Contract.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy Absent

BAN Loan        

The Treasurer has asked the Board to sign a BAN Loan for the 2011 October Storm for an amount of $436,004.67.  Wettlaufer stated that we are still anticipating getting approximately half that amount back from the Federal DOT.  Currently we are still submitting additional paperwork to Mass Highway.

MOTION 04152014-3: To sign the BAN Loan for the October 2011 Storm for an amount of $436,004.67.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy Absent

Additional Executive Secretary Duties

The Treasurer has asked the Board to consider transferring some of the Human Resource duties she currently handles to the Executive Secretary for FY15.  It’s typical to have they Executive Secretary/Town Administrator position to handle most HR duties, with the exception of payroll.  Wettlaufer stated the Treasurer believes it will add approximately four to five additional hours a week to the Executive Secretary duties.  Since the duties of the position will increase, the salary should be increased for FY15.  The amount of approximately $4,000 would be added to the Executive Secretary Salary line item for FY15 if these duties are added.  Arnold would like to hold off until the next meeting before making any decisions.     

National Youth Leadership Forum

Angie Cassavant from the Cable Commission was present to announce that Benjamin Merriman, one of the members of the Cable Commission was invited to take part in a National Youth Leadership Forum in Boston.  He has received a $500 scholarship to fund a portion of the training but the total cost is approximately $2,600.  Cassavant is asking if the Board would approve paying the balance of $2,100 out of the Cable Fund for Benjamin’s opportunity.  Cassavant stated it was an honor for him to be invited and his invitation was based on the work he does and how well he does at school.  

Wettlaufer asked how this would benefit the cable Commission.

Merriman stated he would learn more technology, programming and would be able to do more of  the work for the Cable Commission independently.  

Wettlaufer asked if he is committed to staying on the Cable Commission throughout his years in high school.  Merriman stated he was.  

Both Wettlaufer and Arnold felt it was a good opportunity.

MOTION 04152014-4: To allow the Cable Commission to pay for Benjamin Merriaman’s opportunity to attend a National Youth Leadership Forum in Boston out of the Cable Fund.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold.
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent


Congratulations to the Kennedy Brothers of Holland for setting a new world record in Highest Team Trampoline Jump.
The Cemetery Commission is looking to hire a groundskeeper to maintain the cemetery, on an as needed basis up to thirteen hours per week.  

The Board would like to thank the Holland Cub Scouts Pack 8 for their community service which included cleaning up around the town hall, weeding and spreading mulch.  


Warrants in the amounts of $$75,408.22– Payroll and $635,775.71 – Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Motion 04152014-5: To adjourn the meeting at 7:48 PM.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold.
VOTE: TWO in favor, Kennedy absent

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary